Monday, April 23, 2007

sound the retreat

forcefully complex, though uninvited and unwanted. to measure what there can be, what there isn't, in a personal way. to own your feelings, or be owned by them.

Kant set forward a categorical imperative. he gave us a modus operandi by which to act, speak, and live. Kant was smarter than jesus, at least his version made sense.

people wonder why it is that i can say what i say, my parents ask me what i will do when the world ends, I ask them what more could be done.

a friend says, "the world burns around you, one of god's "meteors of justice" flies towards you. Do you make ammends?"

Ben says: how big is the meteor?

i'll borrow from maynard.
what if halos could choke? if one slipped from it's glorious position and slid down the neck, got caught on a branch? i think i know how it would feel to die by the cold metal of a halo. almost like waking up.

the alcohol couldn't run it's course last night. the world couldn't spin fast enough. people ask about something that was important two days ago. i tell them its no longer important.

i guess it is time to guage the effect. take count of every faculty. see where im left standing, and what there is to stand upon.

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